Pierce College students: Apply for a free Surface Go from the LACCD for Fall 2020
Posted by: Sean Collins-Smith
Posted date:
August 24, 2020 |
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Pierce College and Media Arts students are invited to apply for a free Surface Go to access their fall courses.
Currently enrolled students who want to apply for a Surface Go must log into the student portal at MyCollege.laccd.edu. All applications will be reviewed and awards are based on demonstrated financial need.
The application process opened earlier this week and nearly 2,000 applications have already been received.
The current, limited supply of devices are only available to students who are enrolled in the Fall 2020 Semester. Open enrollment with guaranteed admission is ongoing. New students must first apply to the college of their choice by visiting lacolleges.net, while existing students can use their student email and enroll in classes via the LACCD special student portal.
The District approved an emergency purchase totaling nearly $3 million for more than 14,800 Surface Go devices for students who enroll at the District’s nine colleges for the Fall 2020 semester.
About half of these devices will be given away for free to students with demonstrated financial needs and the other half will be distributed as loaners.
For more information, log on to your LACCD account through the student portal.